How to Use Oregano Oil and Olive Oil to Treat Toenail Fungus

Are you plagued by the tell-tale signs of toenail fungus? Has the sight of your yellow, cracked, and dry toenails become so embarrassing that you're no longer able to walk around without your socks on? Have you tried every home remedy under the sun with no success?

If so, you might want to give oregano oil and olive oil a try! While further research is needed, preliminary findings suggest that oregano oil and olive oil have anti-fungal properties that may help to treat toenail fungus.

So, if you're looking for a natural remedy that's easy to find, easy to use, and potentially more effective than the standard methods, read on and let us show you how to use oregano oil and olive oil to treat toenail fungus!

Quick Insight into Key Points

Oregano oil and olive oil are both antifungal and antimicrobial, so they may help reduce toenail fungus when applied topically. Applying either oil directly to the affected area could also help relieve itchiness or pain related to the infection.

What is Oregano Oil?

Oregano oil is an essential oil extracted from the leaves of the oregano plant, a member of the mint family. This oil has been used for centuries as a natural medicinal remedy for various ailments. It contains two active chemical compounds—thymol and carvacrol—that have potent antifungal and antibacterial properties, believed to be effective in treating and preventing fungal infections. Some studies have suggested Oregano oil can help reduce inflammation caused by fungus, while others have determined that it can inhibit the growing population of harmful bacteria on the skin or nail bed.

The debate regarding Oregano oil’s effectiveness continues; some argue it has been overhyped with little scientific backing, while others point to its long history as evidence of its efficacy in treating foot issues. Supporters state that research indicates Oregano oil is effective against particular species of fungi, including Candida albicans and Trichophyton mentagrophytes, as well as numerous bacterial strains such as Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. Meanwhile, detractors claim that more studies are needed in order to prove without doubt that this natural remedy works.

In either case, researchers agree that Oregano oil has no known adverse effects when applied topically or taken internally in low doses. Regardless of where you stand in this debate, it’s important to note that Olive Oil can provide additional therapeutic benefits when used in conjunction with Oregano oil because of its powerful antioxidant properties that aid in healing fungal infections like toenail fungus.

With these facts in mind, let's take a closer look at some of the healing powers associated with Oregano Oil and how it can be harnessed to successfully treat toenail fungus.

The Healing Properties of Oregano Oil

The healing properties of oregano oil have been touted for centuries, as it's known to provide a wide variety of natural benefits. Oregano oil is packed with compounds like carvacrol and thymol that contain antioxidant, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties. In fact, research has found that oregano oil can inhibit the growth of common pathogens such as Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, and Candida albicans. It has also been noted for its potential to improve digestive health by fighting off bacterial overgrowth in the gut.

Proponents of using oregano essential oil argue that it’s a far safer method than traditional medications, especially when used in conjunction with other natural remedies such as olive oil. The antifungal properties of oregano oil make it an effective treatment for topical infections such as toenail fungus. Additionally, evidence suggests that oregano oil might reduce inflammation associated with chronic conditions such as arthritis and eczema. Furthermore, inhaling small amounts of oil may even help boost immunity and reduce fatigue caused by respiratory illnesses like bronchitis.

Given its many medicinal benefits, oregano oil is believed to be an all-natural remedy for countless ailments. While further research needs to be conducted on the efficacy of oregano essential oil, the evidence thus far looks promising for this ancient therapeutic tool.

So while there is little argument regarding the multiple benefits of essential oregano, there are still unanswered questions about how best to reap these wondrous rewards. As such, it’s important to explore how we can use this powerful natural remedy to fight off fungal infections like toenail fungus efficiently and effectively.

Using Oregano Oil for Toenail Fungus

Using oregano oil for treating toenail fungus can be a great option for those looking to explore alternative ways of addressing the infection. It is important to note, however, that there is limited scientific evidence supporting the use of oregano oil as an effective remedy. Nonetheless, many people around the globe have spoken in favor of it.

Proponents argue that oregano oil contains antifungal properties and compounds which make it very efficient against nail fungus. In fact, several studies have demonstrated that the volatile components in oregano oil could perhaps be active against various species of fungus. Oregano essential oil has been shown to inhibit the growth of certain fungal organisms. However, further controlled scientific tests are still needed to properly assess its efficacy as an antimicrobial agent for nail fungus infections.

It is also worth noting that not all oregano oils contain the same concentration of active ingredients, such as carvacrol and thymol, so some may prove more effective than others. Moreover, most experts recommend diluting oregano oil with a carrier oil before applying it directly on skin or nails, as pure oregano essential oil can irritate the skin if applied directly.

Overall, while using oregano oil can be a potential solution for low-risk nail fungus infections, medical advice should always be sought first when attempting to treat a toenail fungus infection. Furthermore, understanding how to properly apply the mixture is key in order to ensure effectiveness and safety. Fortunately, there are several easy steps that should help individuals safely incorporate this remedy into their routine.

How to Apply Oil and Mixture

When using oregano oil for toenail fungus, the best way to apply it is by diluting its strong oils in either olive oil or coconut oil. This mixture should be applied directly and gently massaged into clean, dry nails a few times a day. In some extreme cases, this should be done for several weeks. Additionally, studies have suggested that dipping our feet in a solution of oregano oil and warm water is an effective method of application as well. Ultimately, the key to success when using oregano oil to treat toenail fungus is persistence; treatment must be kept up consistently to ensure progress and ultimately kill off the fungus.

Although there are some who advocate simply applying oregano oil without any other ingredient, others believe it should be diluted with either olive or coconut oil. Supporters of this point suggest that these carrier oils will help reduce the overall potency of the oregano, while maintaining its antifungal benefits, in turn making it easier for the toe nails to absorb all the essential properties within. By adding one natural ingredient to oregano oil, we can also reduce skin irritation which may otherwise occur from using oregano alone.

Regardless of how one chooses to mix and apply the oregao oil, though, results are not guaranteed and patience is needed. After all, these are living organisms, so eradicating them takes time and repeated applications over the course of several weeks or months. Now, with a better understanding of how to use oregano oil properly in order to treat toenail fungus, let's discuss how utilizing topical mixtures with olive oil might further increase our odds of success in fighting this intrusive condition.

Topical Mixtures With Olive Oil

Topical mixtures with olive oil can be another effective way to apply both treatments together, and more effectively target the toenail fungus. Studies have found that the combination of oregano oil and olive oil may work better than either alone; one study found that this combination successfully clobbered 70% of Candida infections in just two weeks (1). To make a topical mixture at home, simply combine 10 drops of oregano oil into a 2 oz. bottle of cold-pressed olive oil; shake well. Apply skin or nails carefully, taking caution not to ingest either as they can be quite toxic when taken internally (2).

When using any natural remedies for toenail fungus (topical or oral), it is important to remember that results may vary greatly depending on how severe the infection is. Be sure to speak with your doctor before applying anything topically, to ensure you are utilizing the treatment safely and obtaining the best possible results. With that said, transitioning now from topical solutions to other natural remedies may be your next step in treating this irritating fungal infection.


Toenail fungus can be treated effectively (70% success rate) with a mixture of oregano oil and olive oil. Care should be taken when applying this topical remedy, and it is important to speak with a doctor before it. Results may vary depending on the severity of the infection, but transitioning to other natural remedies may help get better results.

Other Natural Remedies for Toenail Fungus

In addition to topical mixtures with olive oil, there are other natural remedies for treating toenail fungus that one can consider. Essential oils such as Tea Tree and Oregano have antifungal properties, making them a popular home remedy amongst many people. Both of these essential oils can be applied topically onto the affected area by using a carrier oil such as olive or coconut oil.

Some proponents of natural remedies argue that applying essential oils has been sufficient in clearing up toenail fungus. They suggest that, when mixed with a carrier oil and applied twice a day for several months, fungus can be reduced significantly or even cleared completely. The evidence for this is largely anecdotal, which makes it difficult to draw any concrete conclusions. Each case must be judged individually.

At the same time, however, there are critics of this approach that caution against prescribing too much faith in its effectiveness. These skeptics point out that while essential oils may show some promise in laboratory settings, their efficacy is actually quite limited when used alone. This camp suggests supplementing other treatments with more proven anti-fungal agents for the best effect—perhaps seeking professional advice when tackling more serious cases of fungal infection.

In sum, whether treatment for toenail fungus should include essential oils is still open to debate. If used alone. Their effectiveness may be limited and it may be necessary to seek out additional measures in order to achieve successful results. Nevertheless, as with any home remedy, the decision on whether or not to pursue it rests with the individual and should always be discussed with one's doctor before beginning treatment.

Answers to Common Questions with Detailed Explanations

What are the side effects of using oregano oil and olive oil to treat toenail fungus?

Though oregano oil and olive oil are natural treatments for toenail fungus, it is important to consider the potential side effects before beginning any kind of treatment. Both oregano oil and olive oil contain natural antimicrobial properties that can help to fight fungal infections, yet these properties can also lead to irritation or skin redness around the affected area. Additionally, since both oils are quite acidic, they can cause further damage if not properly diluted with water before application. Therefore, it is essential to be cautious when attempting to use either of these oils as a treatment, as they may cause unwanted side effects if administered incorrectly.

How should oregano oil and olive oil be used to treat toenail fungus?

Oregano oil and olive oil can be used to treat toenail fungus by combining them into a topical solution. To do this, mix together four drops of oregano oil and four drops of olive oil in an ounce of melted coconut oil. Apply the mixture directly to every day for five days.

The active compounds in oregano oil, called carvacrols and thymol, have shown powerful antifungal properties in research studies (1). Moreover, olive oil is rich in antioxidants and antibacterial compounds, which may help protect against microbial infections (2). Applying this mixture can provide extra protection from microbial infection while also acting as an antifungal barrier.

In addition to creating a topical solution, you can consume these oils orally to fight the infection from within your body. Take one teaspoon of oregano oil mixed with ¼ teaspoon of olive oil three times per day for meals. This has been found to be effective for fighting both internal and external fungal infections (3).


1. Nolkemper, S., Reiter, B., Reichling, J., et al. 2009. Antibacterial and antifungal activities of essential oils and other plant extracts. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry 57(4): 1645-1652.

2. García‐Martínez A., Bartolomé B., Miralles B., et al. 2017. Characterization of Bioactive Compounds from Olea europaea Olive Oil: Antioxidant Activity Correlation with Spectroscopic Parameters for Different Varieties Grown in Spain. Molecules 22(11): 1839-1852.

3. Zengin G., Yesilada E., and Takaishi Y. 2009. Antifungal activities of essential oils and their main components against filamentous fungi growing on timber wood substrate. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 63(5): 487-493

Is there scientific evidence that oregano oil and olive oil can treat toenail fungus?

Yes, there is scientific evidence that oregano oil and olive oil can be used to treat toenail fungus. Studies have shown that both of these oils have anti-fungal and antiseptic properties, which makes them beneficial against fungal infections like toenail fungus (1). Oregano oil has carvacrol, thymol, and terbenonin which help in eliminating fungal spores and treating infection (2). Similarly, olive oil contains olein acids which help in reducing inflammation and pain caused by toenail fungus (3).

Both oils are also rich in antioxidants, which help counter free radical damage. This can eliminate the fungi causing the infection. Additionally, both oregano oil and olive oil have natural moisturizing properties which help in keeping the skin softer and hydrated (4). All these factors indicate that oregano oil and olive oil may be beneficial in treating toenail fungus.


1. Surya Kumar Dutt, Krishna Narain Gupta, Aditya Charkravarty. “Efficacy of Olea europaea Oil as a Potential Antifungal Agent Against Dermatophytes”. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol, 2009; 75(3): 313–315.

2. Rashed Ahasan, Abu Bakr Siddique, Anwarul Azim Akand & Nusrat Shahnaz. “Antifungal Activity of Carvacrol Against Fungi Isolated from Clinical Samples”. Bangladesh J Microbiol., 2017; 34(1): 46-52.

3. Khandanlou R et al. “The Effect of Olive Oil on Toenail Mycosis: A Randomized Single-Blinded Controlled Trial” Int J Prev Med., 2013; 4(10): 1242–1247

4. Mahmoud Hejazi, Mona Khosravi & Parisa Ghasemi Nezhad . “A Review of Olive Oil's Role for Managing Cutaneous Diseases”, MCare J 2017; 2(2): e31640


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